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Chris Gherardini is the President/Owner at Turnkey Technologies Inc. Turnkey offers end-to-end professional services including design, project management, implementation, application maintenance, integration services, development, analytics, training, and support services for Microsoft Dynamics solutions.

We talk about the process of building and growing a consulting-led business, the way Chris infuses culture into his team, and how that was tested with a very challenging life event.

Check out Turnkey Technologies here: https://www.turnkeytec.com/

Connect with Chris on LinkedIn here:  https://www.linkedin.com/in/christiano-gherardini-73513019/ 

Sponsored by our friends at Veeam Software! Make sure to click here and get the latest and greatest data protection platform for everything from containers to your cloud!

Want to ensure your privacy is protected? I sure do. Privacy is a human right and the folks at ExpressVPN make sure of that. Head over to ExpressVPN and sign up today to protect your safety and privacy across any device, anywhere.

Sponsored by the 4-Step Guide to Delivering Extraordinary Software Demos that Win DealsClick here and because we had such good response we have opened it up to make the eBook, Audiobook, and online course, more accessible by offering it all for only 5$

Jo Bhakdi is the founder and CEO of Quantgene, creators of the Griffin Deep Genomics Platform, which combines Deep Genomic sequencing and AI to detect disease down to a single molecule.  

Our conversation delves deep into how emerging and innovative work in genomics and cancer detection can profoundly change the face of healthcare, and what it takes to bring a truly disruptive idea and method to the world. 

You will be inspired by the mission, and powerful lessons on what it takes to launch and scale a disruptive company.  Thank you to Jo for such an amazing conversation!

Photo by RF._.studio from Pexels