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Brian Leroux is the co-founder of Begin.com and someone who has been doing fantastic and positive things in the development community for many years before and during his time as a founder.
As and AWS Servless Hero (https://aws.amazon.com/developer/community/heroes/brian-leroux/) and much more, Brian has been someone who personally inspires me to think about how we can do things better both in code and in the community.
This was a great and wide-reaching conversation on why serverless is a boon for developers and ops teams, and some the the amazing challenges and advantages we have experienced in the developer community as serverless, PaaS, and FaaS unlock new potential in velocity for developers and ops teams.
Check out the “shit you don’t need to do with Begin.com” page which is a must-read and truly a masterpiece in marketing and value differentiation: https://begin.com/learn/shit-youre-not-doing-with-begin
Sign up for Begin here: https://begin.com
Follow Brian in a few different ways here: https://brian.io
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels